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  Bearing Our Cross        
  In Latin America the phrase "Todo mundo carga su propia cruz" ("Everybody carries their own cross") is a commonality. The burdenof carrying our own cross, no matter what our age, faith, sex or race is exactly the same. We start our journey at birth. But the journey seems to be always hour in joy, the next sorrow mourns. In the end it is the result of our own actions that's left for us, and us alone to bear.

I still remember my Grandmother saying "Ay Hija, hay que cargarla cruz que Dios nos ha dado". It could be for a trait in our personality or caused by some unhappy event during our day. Because of my Catholic upbringing it was kind of understood that pain and sacrifice were part of life. going to Mass every Sunday was also agiven. And although I do not go to Church every week anymore I do believe in God and pray every day.

The rosary was a very large icon in our life in Mexico. It was used to pray while in Church (at special rosary times), at funerals, before you went to bed, or whenever you wanted to. It seemed that every birthday I had someone would give me a new rosary. I had a tiny silver one inside a beautiful silver box, a rose scented one, a pearl one, a black one and many others. certainly one that we should always carry in our pocket book, the way we never get caught without our cellphone today.

The other symbolism used in this piece is the "Milagros" (the tiny silver images of arms, hearts, saints praying etc. nailed to the crosses). I still remember the churches in Mexico (mostly the real old ones) with thousands of these little milagros nailed on the walls of small altars with written letters to people's favorite saints asking them for a miracle on their loved ones. Or thanking their saint for having cured their loved one.

The Men's photographs used are of my Uncle and his son, and the women are photos found in my Grandmother's archives. Do not know if they might be related to me.